919 The Alameda

Berkeley, CA 94707


Telephone: 415 787 3611

Reproductive & General Psychiatry

I have extensive experience in the field of Reproductive Psychiatry, which means providing consultation to women at all stages of the life cycle including (but not limited to) pre-pregnancy and infertility, pregnancy, and the postpartum period. Individuals I’ve worked with include women who...
...are currently taking psychiatric medication and are considering becoming pregnant or are pregnant
...want a psychiatrist with expertise in peripartum disorders to consult with once pregnant or postpartum
...have new-onset mood or anxiety difficulties during or after pregnancy, or in relation to pregnancy loss or stillbirth
...are struggling with issues around fertility, role/identity change, spirituality or religion as they pertain to motherhood

If you already see a psychiatrist or therapist but you have questions specific to your current reproductive stage, I provide consultations in which I collaborate with your therapist or M.D., and might also include your OB/GYN, midwife, or other appropriate specialists to create a plan of care that is tailored to you. These consultations may also involve concerned family members or partners.

When there is space in my practice, I also may accept requests for general psychiatric consultation around medication initiation or medication changes. Usually this involves meeting with me one, two or three times so I can take a comprehensive psychiatric and medical history and then make treatment plan recommendations.

I do not do ongoing medication management/prescribing at this time. However, if after our initial consultation you’d like to have a prescriber for your psychiatric medication who is supervised by me, you can be followed by a PharmD practitioner within my practice who will see you regularly for follow-up medication checks under my supervision. In most cases, I will only continue to supervise your psychiatric medication(s) if you are working with a therapist or counselor.

We can discuss this option when we meet.

Some relevant links:

The Reproductive Toxicology Center

Postpartum Support International

Mass General Center for Women's Health